Mini dozer for sale on craigslist
Mini dozer for sale on craigslist

mini dozer for sale on craigslist mini dozer for sale on craigslist

These were a build-it-yourself kit that you put together in the backyard…you’d find advertisements in the back of magazines like Popular Mechanics and when you got the giant crate dropped off at the house, it was time to break out the tools and within a couple of beers hours you had a fully-functional scaled-down workhorse that could be rigged up to do just about anything you wanted, from shoving dirt to plowing snow, courtesy of a seven-horse Tecumseh engine. Struck is still in business and you can still get one of these little machines, from the simple push setup you see here to a scaled-down loader/backhoe setup that weighs as much as a typical car. This is a 1968 Struck MD40 mini-bulldozer. Thank Eliteman76 in the Forums for bringing this thing to my attention. mount can be adjusted by just about northern WI for sale dozer - craigslist. It’s useful, yeah, but at the end of the day, when you see it drive past the fields where the real big boys are out working, you can’t help but picture Johnny, The Little Tractor That Could. A smaller dozer can be Seize the leading mini crawler dozers for sale at. A lawn mower, front-end loader, and PTO-driven tiller in one package, that little green beast gets some work done around the homestead! But it has to be said: there is something mildly cartoonish about a 1/2 scale tractor. In addition to the trusty shovel and rake, I’ve got my father-in-law’s John Deere mini-tractor to use. I have plants to tend to, a yard to get in order, and a garden to start…hey, those watermelons aren’t going to grow themselves! Lucky me, I have a few tools at my disposal to make most of the work easy. And BangShift Mid-West is no exception to the rule. Now that the weather has started to make the transition through the nearly non-existant Spring and straight towards Summer-levels of warm in the Midwest, it’s time for home, lawn and garden projects.

Mini dozer for sale on craigslist